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for inspiring leaders who allow the potential of people, teams, and the organization, to optimally flourish


It is in these times that I regularly think back to our meetings at Solvay and our deep conversations about leadership. More than ten years later I still regularly use examples from it to help and motivate my people and teams

- Jaap Venema, CSO Solvay

For ...

Leaders who want to lead in strong, meaningful and connected way and who want to achieve their goals in close collaboration with the rest of the organization.

What we often hear ...

“We have quite good people in leadership positions. They work hard and are actively involved, but each in his/her own way. Actually, we do not have a clear vision of leadership.


Managers have grown out of their positions and lead according to their own best insight and ability. They do not speak the same 'management' language and all have their own vision, knowledge, and qualities. ”


How nice would it be if the leaders in our organization were to work completely in line with the vision of the organization? Aligned in language and behavior. Inspiring, positively focused, and actually utilizing and expanding the potential of all employees.


Our Droomfabriek approach

What, then, is good leadership? A lot has been written about, said, shown, etc. Based on all of the work on the subject, the Droomfabriek has identified what it believes to be the essence of good leadership.


Our leadership programs therefore focus on developing a leadership mindset with the following four skills.


All Droomfabriek programs are customised. Building blocks in this process include training days for theory, case studies, personal development, formulating a vision, exchange of successes/failures, and a lot of learning from one another. We work in a practical manner. You will work intensively with concrete, real-world experiments. What you learn and experience is then shared during the joint program feedback sessions. We naturally also leave room for individual coaching and personal development.


Leadership Mindset
We guide leaders in developing a clear, open, and conscious mindset. We help you endure 'loneliness' at the top. And to dare to truly take your place as a leader.
We also let you experience the power of vulnerability by naming what is really going on. We encourage you to keep looking outside, and we challenge you to make decisions that have an impact.


Determine direction
As a leader, we help you determine an inspiring and rewarding perspective. A course that is right and that people believe and are feel motivated by. A direction that has added value and can be converted into a plan with clear objectives.


Create space
We coach and spar with you to create a space in which everyone can make a maximum contribution to success. Space to stimulate people and give them the opportunity to experiment. And space to create a solid and safe culture in which everyone can contribute from their own role and quality.


Help out
We offer insights and practical tools to ensure that you can provide the right help as a leader. Coaching people, improving knowledge and skills, stimulating teamwork, making resources available, helping to set up structures and processes, etc. Instead of taking over, we will show you how to help. There is often a thin line between the two.

Last but not least; it's the role of the leader to maintain, monitor, and safeguard, to communicate and celebrate  successes. And also to firmly and consistently tackle the things or people that deviate from the chosen direction. We mainly let you do it, experience it and reflect on it.


Do you want to know more?

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055 519 08 19



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