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Converting the purpose into appealing goals and a realistic plan of action


Realizing irreparable growth, that's what they are good at.

- Unilever

What we often hear...

“We have a clear focus on our purpose, our why/vision. What we have more difficulty with is how to translate this into appealing goals. How to make a good and realistic plan of this. And how we can communicate this to the rest of the organization.


How great would it be if we could make the people in our organization so enthusiastic with appealing and realistic plans that they naturally want to get started with this.”



Our Dream Factory Approach

Starting from a beautiful and meaningful purpose, we set to work to develop it into appealing goals and a clear plan with concrete steps.
There are four major organizational themes (Ken Wilber) that need specific attention.

  • Culture

  • Structure

  • Personal development

  • Behaviour/competence

Together we will determine very concretely, for all four themes, what we want to achieve and how we are going to achieve it. With priorities, responsibilities and important milestones.
We will also present your goals in figures that can be communicated to the rest of the organization in an appealing way. For example, the 0-15-100 strategy (zero waste; 15% growth and 100% openness) or the 5-50-500 strategy (5 countries, 50 products and 500 customers).
There are many powerful ways to communicate this well to all stakeholders. We will work with you to develop a form that suits you and has an impact.
A form that works very well is using a drawing on which the entire vision is stated. This can be supported with a ‘game’ that involves everyone in a very interactive way and allows the vision with the objectives to land well in the entire organization.


Do you want to know more

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06 14 229 575



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For leaders / leadership teams who are responsible for determining the direction of their organization (unit).


In a number of interactive sessions we arrive at a realistic plan of action, appealing, substantiated, concrete and numerical.

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