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"Your future will be how you feel today"

Inspiration source

Similar vibrations attract and reinforce each other. This is a universal law. Once you understand this, you know that change always starts with yourself. This is what inspires me in what I do.


Personal Purpose
I believe that people keep themselves unnecessarily small. How cool would it be if we all do more of what we believe in? Dare to stand for that and experience it in our work? I support people to strengthen themselves to optimally use potential, passion, and power.


Proud of

That people learn to let go of old patterns faster and get to know themselves 'again'. To start doing things differently based on this growth. Closer to themselves, more congruent, and more balanced. That this personal development enables people to speak and act more from their hearts. Inspiring young talent and teams to move in that direction is what energizes me.

What concerns me

That we should all be able to enjoy this crazy world a bit more.

Maaike Merkes



Contact Maaike






+31(0)6 24 671 744


#talent and team development #traineeships #generations #ownness #leadership #growth #courage #creating #inspiration #solid #wisdom

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