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discover, develop and live the purpose of the organization


By looking back at our history, we have learned a lot about the patterns of our organization. We now benefit from that journey when formulating and executing our future plans.

For ...

Leaders responsible for determining the strategic direction of their (part of the) organization.

What we often hear ...

“We would like to find an appealing purpose for our organization. A meaningful story that provides guidance and connects us.

We do have goals, but they do not appeal to us, they do not inspire us with energy and motivation. We want to have a good, solid and accurate story that provides guidance for all our people, our customers, and all other stakeholders. A narrative that can serve as our compass and inspire everyone in the constantly changing environment in which we operate "



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055 519 08 19



Our DroomFabriek Approach

In a multi-day program, we take you on an inspiring journey where we examine a variety of perspectives. We facilitate and challenge you to create a robust and authentic story.

We start with your organization's history. Your history is essential because it has made the organization what it is today. There are important lessons to be learned from the past, both mistakes and successes. Your history also beautifully reflects the true internal strength of the organization.

We also do Sprints using interactive work methods to identify the most relevant trends and market facts.

We create discomfort by getting your inconvenient truths out in the open. Which themes and topics are difficult to face?

These 3 ingredients form the perfect mix to achieve an inspiring and heartfelt purpose. A meaningful, authentic story that can serve as a solid compass for the near future. And a story that has been made tangible, so that it can be easily shared with all stakeholders.

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